Wednesday, August 14, 2013

What happened?

Something bizarre must have occurred - no posting since April? What have I been thinking! Maybe things have been a bit busy? So many changes: Patrick, Luc, Shari and Carri have joined the Library team; Mary, Katy and Kari have moved on to new adventures. We haven't yet filled Kari's position but hopefully we'll get that done soon. Summer has been a great time, and we have our usual influx of visitors. To make computer access easier we've stopped asking for ID or adding names to guest cards, and we even created newer larger cards, the idea being the larger card would be less likely to walk out in someone's pocket. The drawback is individuals might come back several times in one day and use multiple cards - on busy days this makes it likely we might run out! But overall the new procedure works well. We also purchased 5 Macbook laptops for our users who prefer that platform. They are being used frequently too. So many people comment how New computers all around: 16 for staff and 8 for public use. That means I'll be busy!

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