Thursday, August 30, 2012

New Schedule

Fall often seems like a time of new beginnings, a habit formed from earliest school days. So this seemed like a good time to try out a new work schedule, thanks to the hiring of Jason at Computer Services. This is the first week, and so far it's been going well, although it hasn't been quite "normal" yet. One day I had a scheduled appointment that altered things, and another day we had to juggle to cover for a co-worker's absence. Even so, I think it will work well - 4 long days and 3 days off! Evenings - I've added 2 - seem to be relatively quiet, so there will be time to work on some projects, and offer extra help to people who might need it. I also will be working with an intern from MSU this semester. Our first staff barbecue is next Friday! Something new, and I think it will be a great time. We usually have a good time at this away-from-work gatherings. Next month there is an all day staff "retreat" too - another new experience! I've been busy helping plan the annual fall retreat at Chico Hot Springs for the ASLD and PLD groups of MLA. We're going with the "Be Prepared" theme - disasters, strange patrons, software are all planned sessions. It's close to Halloween so that seemed an appropriate theme! And, offers lots of decorating possibilities as well...

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