Wednesday, February 11, 2015

GoTo Headache

Just when I thought everything was under control... There are 3 licenses for GoToTraining but 4 people involved, so last week the account I was using was switched to someone else. This means I lost access to my future trainings and everything associated with them (registration lists, polls I'd created). There is an available GoToWebinar license so I've recreated the two remaining sessions there and updated the link where people can register. When trying to recreate the polls I discovered the browser "remembered" much of what I'd entered, all I had to do was guess the first letter of each question. So that was helpful. Because I'd received confirmation emails when anyone registered (and hadn't emptied my deleted mail box!) I could find those, so sent an email to everyone who had been signed up with the new link so they could re-register. Whew! But strange things are still happening - I got several confirmations of new people registering for the no-longer available sessions. Today I checked the new link, which shows next week's session "Full" even though only one person is registered and I set the limit to 15. And today I got the reminder email for the cancelled meeting! Trying to go to it brings up the message that the meeting room is no longer available (no surprise to me but others will be disappointed!). So a support request has been sent to Citrix and we'll see what can be done.

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