Saturday, March 8, 2008


I'm always amazed at the number of patrons viewing things in You-Tube as I walk by - it seems to be incredibly popular (although there certainly is a broad spectrum of content and quality!). The Library Dominoes was a great idea. Naturally I had to search my favorite knitter, The Yarn Harlot, and was amazed to watch her knitting without looking - I'm not sure I'll ever be able to do that.
(I haven't figured out how to get a video here - I can't find the Embeddable Player part on the Edit HTML tab, and inserting video wants me to browse to a file). I have seen (and used!) knitting videos demonstrating various stitches and techniques - I think that is a great use of this technology.

I've been trying to come up with practical uses for this on a library website. Certainly short videos of library programs could be posted. I'm not sure about instructional uses (How to turn off your cell phone as you enter the library? How to approach the reference desk with a question? How to use the self-check machine?). I think this is still in the entertainment stage...


Michael D. Barton, FCD said...

Hi Pam!

In the box to the right of a video in YouTube is the "embed" code which you should be able to just copy and paste into your blogger post. When you are typing your post, click over to "Edit HTML" from "Compose" at the top right. Paste the code in, then go back to "Compose" and you should see in your post where the video will be...

Unknown said...

Thanks Michael! That was sooo easy - I didn't even think to look on YouTube for the "embed" link. (It's nice to be on the receiving end of genius - now I know how patrons feel when I show them some fabulously easy trick they didn't know).