Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy New Year!

Here's to great things in the coming months! No, I don't have a clue as to what might come along but the wide-open possibilities are always exciting, like getting in a car with a full gas tank on the open road with no destination in mind. Maybe that's why I enjoy traveling - even if there is an end-point to a trip, the unknown is always out there and anything can happen. I'm avoiding resolutions; instead I'll consider options and goals (which can be similar: I can resolve to post more here, or set a goal of more posts each month - the result would be the same). One goal will be to increase my involvement in various library associations, specifically MLA and MPLA - I have more time and flexibility and miss the interaction with those governing boards. This might be the time to get back to them. Attending more regional and national conferences is another goal, especially ALA now that I've joined! PLA is every other year, so that could be an option 2 years from now - it seems a bit soon to get to that one in March this year. Computers in Libraries, Internet Librarian - more possibilities! Becoming more familiar with all the issues facing Montana libraries is another goal. Trustees, directors, forming library districts are all topics I haven't had much experience with up to now and have been working on learning about them so I can be a resource. There is so much information available! I'm at least becoming familiar with where to find answers, even if I don't yet have it all stored for instant recall. Visiting all the libraries in my federations and geographic area is another goal for the year, one that will be great fun (and goes along with my travel interest!). I can't wait to get started.

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