Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Although it doesn't feel like fall - we're having a very warm time, complete with smoke from fires - the calendar says it is. Students are back, football is on, and classes have started. My new schedule is working nicely, although I have to keep it posted to remind me where I should be...Evenings are still quiet, and we've gotten a spine label printer working in the office. That will help keep us productive while working the desk. Now I want to spend some time playing with the gadgets, to become better familiar with library applications people will be asking about! I know how to download an eBook on my own Nook and tablet, but should be able to do that on all the library toys too. One of our iPads has had to go back to Apple a second time - it sometimes would randomly select whatever it felt like choosing, or zoom in and out on a map. Hopefully they can figure that out this time around. Next month we have an all-day staff training day - away from the Library! I'm looking forward to that...